z31.com | Nissan PROM tuning

On this page you will find information and the data you need to program your own prom chips for your Nissan.

The basic process is simply replacing the prom chip in the ecu with one that has your own tuning on it. You can reprogram whatever you want, from simply raising the rev limit to re-curving the timing to fitting different injectors and AFMs. Any year ECU can be reprogrammed, but 88-89 are easier due to their 28 pin prom chip and ease of modificaion to allow different air flow meters to be used.

The process of burning and installing a chip while tuning is very slow. There are devices that will replace a prom chip and plug into a computer and allow you to make real-time changes to the prom image without having to burn and install chip. Unless you are simply copying a known chip these devices should be considered mandatory. The most common such device is the romulator and costs under $200.

The data on a prom chip can be retrieved from it in hex format. Any standard hex editor can be used to change the data, but the problem is knowing what you are changing. There are various pieces of software that take the image from a prom and present it in a human readable format that allows easy viewing and changes. You save the edited prom image and either burn it to a chip or load it into your romulator. Two such programs are Live Edit(better) and RomEdit(worse).

One of the more common setups is to reprogram to use a z32 AFM with z32 turbo injectors. This will get you a reliable 400hp capacity for very little money. Instructions here.

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